Where do I start with this book!

So I have been listening to Lori Harder’s podcast ‘Earn Your Happy’ for quite some time now. And I love it! This led me to find her book ‘A Tribe Called Bliss’. Lori writes about the key elements that we all need to work on to find our Bliss and our Tribe.

It teaches us that it is ok to not be everyone’s best friend and that to simply wish them well on their journey, while we continue on ours.

In a society that is as connected as we are today, it is still very easy to be lonely. Lori teaches us how to make meaningful connections with other like-minded people, thus finding our Tribe.

But let’s not forget that that we all have our own issues that need working on. And ‘A Tribe Called Bliss’ helps us do exactly just that.

This is a workbook and a soulful journey in one. So grab a copy for each of your girlfriends, designate some time each week to meet up and discuss the chapters as you work through them. Be prepared to go deep, get real and find your Bliss Tribe.

Highly recommend this book.